Client Alert: OJK Draft Regulation of Internal Control and Behavior of Securities Exchange Conducting Business as Underwriters and Securities Broker-Dealers

Monday, 21-10-2024


The Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, “OJK”) is preparing Draft Regulation on Internal Control and Behavior of Securities Exchange Conducting Business as Underwriters and Securities Broker-Dealers (“Draft POJK”). The draft is designed to mitigate risks, safeguard the business sustainability of underwriters and securities broker-dealers, and prevent conflicts of interests, while addressing the increasing complexity of business activities. 

Be sure to read up on the key points of Draft POJK to help you gear up towards the upcoming changes in the Capital Market sector. These include Internal Controls and Behavioral Provisions, The Principles in Conducting Business Activities, New Provisions, and Outsourcing of Functions of Broker-Dealers and Regional Securities  Companies. 

Stay tuned for updates on this pivotal development.

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